Thursday, December 13, 2012
Alittle sanity check
My heart broke reading about this little boy, Ty Campbell. After suffering a rare type of cancer, he passed away shortly after his 5th birthday! I thought this would nice to share and for us to read on those days we feel like we can't take our children and life is hard. We can be humbled by the fact that there are people out there who have lost their children and wish to have one more hard day.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Christmas is in the air
We've added a few new traditions like a fresh tree instead of an artificial one. We went to Terrain in town, they had a cozy fire pit with wood stump seats and wool blankets to stay warm, popcorn and roasted marshmallows. It was hard shrugging off the stress of work, school and life to stop and enjoy the moment and take in my sons excitement about it being his favorite time of the year. I have fond memories of sorting and organizing the branches to our tree with my sister and mom, hanging the ornaments and putting the presepio (nativity scene) under the tree.
As we were hanging the ornaments with Xavier, he was talking about which ones were his favorite, all of them of course. He couldn't wait to keep on hanging them - I remember being like that. It's hard for Xavier to resist the ornaments and not play with them. He managed to break two, Handy Manny and a Buzz Light Year - thank goodness for krazy glue.
The biggest attraction is the Thomas Train under the tree. Between Xavier and Cosmo, we are always amazed it survives the season, let's see what happens in the next few weeks. Until then, Xavier will be under the tree every night, making sure all the globes and ornaments that play music are all on with the train going round and round.
Here's to another Christmas and hoping that the holiday spirit touches you.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Ford Fiesta Movement
The following video was published by myself and my fellow BU colleague, Erik Barfield, we discuss Ford's use of Social and Viral Media in 2009 as part of our E-Commerce class on Social Media.
I'm sure that most of my BU colleagues would agree, this assignment was filled with challenges, but for me was an enriching experience - outside of learning about the use of social media in e-commerce. I was exposed to voice recording on power point, then timing it (poor Erik was probably tired of my voice, he worked on the sequence last night - he's probably saying thank goodness for text messaging) and then there was figuring out ways to post it to You Tube. We are proud of presentation and hope you enjoy it!
We'd love to hear from you and look forward to discussions. Paula
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Our first snow storm in 2012 - three to six inches expected. It's pale in comparison to some areas of the US. I'm sure that the snow always brings back some memory for most of us. I go back to our first winter in CT in 2007. That season, our mailbox was knocked down by the snowplow a couple of times, run over and then vandalized by pranksters (it was a big thing in town, they went through an entire neighborhood). The mailbox had certainly seen better days. It got to a point where the post was nailed with 2x4's on each side and the door was missing. In the spring we got a new one and moved it to the other side of the driveway - we haven't had problems since (cross my fingers) with the exception of prankster kids who tried to take the door off the new one. I guess that's what kids in the burbs do these day, smash mailboxes.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Blogging is kind of fun
I've spent most of my evening playing with the colors and format of this blog. Let me know what you think! Thank you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Interesting day with "free" internet
I'm sure most of you have heard about the significance of this week's internet protest.
I found out from my husband ,who's in IT, over coffee this morning he was ranting about how he hoped that he'd be able to work because "today the internet is going to be dark". I thought right away, how could this be possible? Google down for the day? What about my email?
I remember I could barely survive the 4 days we lost power in September due to a hurricane - no weather, no news, no email, no facebook. I felt so disconnected - yet I was more in touch with myself. It was peaceful and calm not having to have the pressure to check everything and know everything. Once upon a time, I lived without internet. I remember my first attempts at navigating world wide web and the modem using dial up to connect. It all seems so long ago and ancient, I'll probably be with my grandchildren talking about how I once used a manual typewriter and it was it the coolest thing when you worked on an electronic one that you could type your sentences and read them before they printed.
Today, Google made a stance and put a black sticker over their name. Not as bold as wikepedia. A part of me does wish that Google was more daring in their stance and actually show us, so we could taste what the internet would be like with SOPA and PIPA enacted. I think that those desiring to have this policy would certainly experience a difference and realize that we've come to far with the internet and world wide web. Parts of this policy would certainly set us back. Not to mention that it could restrict us from freedom of speech...there goes facebook, twitter, blogs and all the other social networks. For those of us who have embraced this technology, it was be devasting. My 4 year old wouldn't know the difference on the other hand. I voted against SOPA and PIPA, take your vote on Google.
I found out from my husband ,who's in IT, over coffee this morning he was ranting about how he hoped that he'd be able to work because "today the internet is going to be dark". I thought right away, how could this be possible? Google down for the day? What about my email?
I remember I could barely survive the 4 days we lost power in September due to a hurricane - no weather, no news, no email, no facebook. I felt so disconnected - yet I was more in touch with myself. It was peaceful and calm not having to have the pressure to check everything and know everything. Once upon a time, I lived without internet. I remember my first attempts at navigating world wide web and the modem using dial up to connect. It all seems so long ago and ancient, I'll probably be with my grandchildren talking about how I once used a manual typewriter and it was it the coolest thing when you worked on an electronic one that you could type your sentences and read them before they printed.
Today, Google made a stance and put a black sticker over their name. Not as bold as wikepedia. A part of me does wish that Google was more daring in their stance and actually show us, so we could taste what the internet would be like with SOPA and PIPA enacted. I think that those desiring to have this policy would certainly experience a difference and realize that we've come to far with the internet and world wide web. Parts of this policy would certainly set us back. Not to mention that it could restrict us from freedom of speech...there goes facebook, twitter, blogs and all the other social networks. For those of us who have embraced this technology, it was be devasting. My 4 year old wouldn't know the difference on the other hand. I voted against SOPA and PIPA, take your vote on Google.
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